Monthly Archives: July 2015

New System and New Level

As we ease our way back into a new competitive season many new changes await.

A new compulsory qualifier system for levels 3-5 is being introduced this year, currently it seems like this will be run within the current invitational system with results before April 30th going towards the qualifying score and after April 30th will be considered invitational as before. Athletes will need to post a minimum of 2 scores to be considered for championships.

What are your thoughts on the introduction of a level 3-5 qualifying system?

Also we will see level 10 to replace the National Open category. There has been some talk that level 10 will be only for 13+ and National Novice will be for 12 and under, is this the case?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this new system?

There has been a lot of discussion all over the internet as the other provinces within Canada have also adopted the JO system but some have not adopted level 10.

How will this change our national system?

Quebec is not adopting the JO system, how will this effect big events like Gymnix?

Let us know your thoughts…