Monthly Archives: January 2019

Winter is here

So after the snow most of us are digging out. We hope everyone is staying warm and cozy.

All pages have been updated.

After this weekend we had enough data to separate Level 6 age 15 and 16+, please as always if there are errors (people in the wrong age group etc.,) let us know and we will correct it.

Best of luck to everyone competing this weekend.

Gym moms

Busy start to the New Year

Welcome back everyone,

What a busy first weekend back with 4 competitions running this past weekend.

We are busy working  on updating everything and getting it loaded up, should be up in the next day or so.

A few notes:

Yes, we are aware that level 6 will be split into 15 and 16+ however up until now many competitions have piled everyone into 15+ so we have about half of the athletes not yet categorized. We are working on sorting out who is 15 and who is 16+ as soon as we have this sorted out we will definitely separate the groups.

Level 7 age 11-12 is still listed as competing together for Championships by Gymnastics Ontario, we are working on confirming this and then we will post accordingly. We know that last year there were separated but previous years they were together so could go either way. Once we know…you will know.

As always we thank you for your support and encouragement.

Gym moms